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History of Germany
History of Germany


        German history or the history of the evolution of the Germanic peoples, since the end of the Roman Empire, is also the story of a nation that for many centuries, from its genesis to the most recent changes and convulsions, has always had great difficulty to establish, clearly and definitively, its geographical borders, as well as his identity and unity as a country. The history of Germany, without any kind of nationalist exaggeration, it is even the history of Central Europe, in all its conflicts and transformations. Inevitably, given its importance within Europe, also the other countries of this continent is dragged into the vortex of its policy changes and redefinition of boundaries. The consequences of the troubled history of the German nation will refect is, more broadly, throughout the world and a more restricted to the countries bordering Europe. The so-called peripheral countries of Europe, never able to attend this relaxed bipolar behavior of a nation that is now being stated with a maniacal nationalism, sometimes went into decline, decreasing to the primary parts of the territory, a kind of depression reduction. The pan-Germanism and Prussian militarism, are in permanent opposition historical, the fragmentation and the attempt to autonomy of the regions of Germanic languages, sometimes one dominating, sometimes dominating others. However, the history of Germany, is little more than the history of Prussia and his almost obsessive desire for domination of the territories surrounding it. Thus, the Germany of the economic miracles and welfare, Germany joins the violence of war and political crises, military and civilians. Germany developed and heavily industrialized, there stands a shattered Germany in ruins and suffering. A country in permanent decline and rise, like the mythical phoenix, reborn from its ashes to become a feared bird and impressive. This is the story of Wittelsbach of Bavaria, Honhenzollern of Brandenburg, the Habsburgs of Austria, Frederick William L, Frederick II, Holy Roman Empire Roman-Germanic, Luther, Napoleon, Bismark, William, the Republic of Weimar, Hitler, RFA and R.D.A. and end of unified Germany.